Empact Blog

Communication Failure: Understanding and Addressing Failures at Work

Written by Sofia Von Platen | Nov 9, 2023 11:30:51 AM

Employee communication is the backbone of modern business success. It underpins productivity, collaboration, innovation, and employee satisfaction. However, communication breakdowns in the workplace are all too common and can lead to a range of problems, including decreased performance, reduced morale, and even the departure of valuable employees. This article explores the various causes of communication failure in organisations and suggests solutions, with a focus on the use of team chat apps to enhance communication.



Causes of Communication Failure in the Workplace

1. Overwhelming Communication

Email Overload and Its Impact

Email, while a valuable communication tool, often contributes to information overload. The sheer volume of emails can lead to important messages getting lost, miscommunication, and a lack of context. To address this issue, organisations must establish clear guidelines on when to use email and when other communication methods are more appropriate. Implementing scheduled email sending and restricting unplanned phone calls can also help manage email overload.

Issues with Excessive Meetings and Their Consequences

Poorly organised meetings, unnecessary discussions, and a surplus of meetings can overwhelm employees. To combat this issue, organisations should establish concise agendas for meetings, review them at the start, and adhere to them, avoiding unnecessary disruptions and fostering more productive interactions.


2. Inconsistent Communication

Impact of Inconsistency on Team Dynamics

Sudden changes in communication patterns, such as discontinuing regular meetings or altering communication frequency, can be disorienting for employees. This inconsistency can lead to demotivation and confusion among team members, hindering progress.

The Value of Regular, Open Communication

Consistency in communication is crucial for team members to understand the organisation's values, make progress, and share their ideas. Clear, open, and regular communication facilitates transparency and engagement, ultimately leading to better teamwork. Craft an effective internal communications strategy to make consistency natural and effortless. 


3. Unclear and Inarticulate Communication

Consequences of Unclear Messaging and Lack of Detail

Unclear or inarticulate messages can result from a lack of clear direction from management, leading to conflicting interpretations and conflicting priorities. This kind of communication failure can cause misunderstandings and hinder the organization's progress. Effective communication involves planning, structuring, and providing adequate details.

Addressing Unclear Communication through Planning and Structure

Proper planning and structuring of messages can help avoid misunderstandings. Managers should provide clear and unified direction to ensure that messages are easy to understand and convey all necessary points.

Importance of Audience Awareness and Avoiding Technical Jargon

It's important to consider the audience and tailor messages accordingly. Using technical jargon can alienate employees and hinder understanding. Encouraging a language-free culture can foster better communication.


4. Lack of Listening or Compromise

Significance of Active Listening in Communication

Communication is not just about speaking but also about active listening. Many individuals struggle to listen actively, leading to difficulties in comprehending conversations and project progress. In environments with one-way communication and limited feedback, employees may feel unheard and unwelcome.

Challenges of One-Way Communication and Feedback Aversion

One-way communication and feedback aversion can lead to frustration and difficulties in reaching resolutions. To overcome these issues, organisations should prioritise listening as an integral part of effective communication.


5. Lack of Trust as a Barrier

Impact of Trust Deficit on Communication

Trust is essential in any organisation but can take time to build and can be easily eroded. Trust may be compromised due to unfulfilled promises, a lack of transparency, or perceptions of ulterior motives.

Building Trust through Transparency and Reliability

To rebuild trust, managers should be open and approachable, demonstrating that they are part of the team. Transparency and reliability are key components of building trust within an organisation.


Solutions: Leveraging Employee Apps for Effective Communication

Benefits of Employee Apps in Improving Communication

Team chat apps offer several benefits in improving communication:

  1. Centralised Communication for Project Management: These apps provide a central platform for project-related communication and collaboration, reducing the need to search through numerous emails and messages.

  2. Facilitating Continuous Communication and Mobility: Team members can communicate in real-time, regardless of their physical location, promoting flexibility and efficiency.

  3. Fostering Open Conversation and Social Interactions: Team chat apps can create channels for both work-related and social discussions, strengthening team cohesion and rapport.


Maximising Productivity Through Employee Apps

  1. Utilising Employee Apps Beyond Communication: These apps can be used for sharing files, managing tasks, and even conducting video calls, streamlining various work processes.

  2. Streamlining Work Processes and Optimising Business Operations: Employee apps help in efficient project management, reducing the need for endless emails and meetings.

  3. Ensuring Effective Utilisation Through Training and Guidance: Employees should receive adequate training to make the most of these tools, ensuring that they are used effectively.



In conclusion, communication failure in the workplace is a common issue with far-reaching consequences. Understanding the causes, such as overwhelming communication, inconsistency, unclear messaging, lack of listening, and trust deficits, is the first step in addressing these challenges. Leveraging employee apps can provide organisations with effective solutions, streamlining communication, fostering collaboration, and ultimately enhancing organisational success. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving workplace, and the adoption of these strategies and tools is crucial for any organisation seeking to overcome communication failures and excel in today's fast-paced business environment.