Crafting an effective internal communications strategy

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, an effective internal communications strategy isn't merely a necessity - it's the cornerstone of collaboration, productivity, and success. 

Emilie Krogh Vermehren
Emilie Krogh Vermehren
12 min read

At Empact, we understand that crafting a robust internal communications strategy is pivotal for any organization looking to nurture a thriving workplace. In this blog post, we'll delve into the intricacies of building an internal communications strategy that not only connects teams but also ignites a culture of collaboration within your organization. 

From understanding the fundamental components to measuring the effectiveness of the strategy, we'll provide you with the insights and tools you need to supercharge your internal communications and enhance collaboration at every level. Let's embark on a journey to transform your organization's communication and collaboration landscape.



What is internal communication?

Effective internal communication serves as the vital artery of a flourishing organization. It acts as the conduit through which concepts are exchanged, strategies are devised, and employee engagement is nurtured. 

In essence, internal communication encompasses not only the formal transmission of messages from leadership to employees, but also the informal communication among coworkers. It serves as the conduit in which vital information regarding the organization’s policies, objectives and day-to-day operations are disseminated. 

Internal communication also includes the less tangible elements of organizational culture, such as the values, beliefs, and norms that are communicated through everyday interactions. It's the sum of all conversations, whether in meetings, emails, or casual chats by the coffee machine.

Why is internal communications important?

Studies show (1, 2) that internal communication is essential for the modern workplace for a multitude of reasons. However, to truly grasp the significance of strategic internal communication, it is essential to recognize that it isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. Its importance extends well beyond being a simple channel for information; it assumes a central role in molding organizational culture, nurturing collaboration, and steering overall achievement. Some of the main reasons why internal communication is that it:

  • Keeps employees well-informed
  • Improves productivity
  • Provides a sense of purpose
  • Helps retain talented employees
  • Improves employee engagement
  • Is the driving force behind company culture
  • Keeps people calm in times of crisis

For those seeking a deeper understanding of why internal communications hold such significance, you can explore our blog post “Why is internal communications important for an organization?” 

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The components of an internal communications strategy

In this digital age, crafting an effective internal communications strategy is no longer optional - it's imperative. A well-structured strategy empowers organizations to connect, engage, and align their workforce, ultimately steering them toward a shared vision of success. Let's delve into the crucial components that constitute an effective internal communications strategy:

Clear objectives

Start with a clear understanding of what you aim to achieve through your internal communications efforts. Are you looking to boost employee engagement, align teams with company goals, or enhance transparency? Define specific, measurable, and achievable objectives that align with your organization's overarching mission and vision.

Audience segmentation

Recognize that your workforce is not monolithic; it's a tapestry of diverse roles, responsibilities, and information needs. Segment your audience based on factors such as job roles, departments, and locations. Tailor your messages and communication channels to address the unique needs and interests of each group.

Message development

Crafting compelling and impactful messages lies at the core of effective communication. Your messages should be clear, concise, and closely aligned with your defined objectives. Consider not just what you want to convey but also how it will resonate with your audience.

Communication channel

Identify the most suitable communication channels for reaching your employees. This may include email for formal announcements, a company intranet for sharing resources, or team meetings for open dialogues. The choice of channels should reflect your audience's preferences and accessibility.

Feedback mechanisms

Effective communication is a two-way street. Establish feedback mechanisms that empower employees to voice their thoughts, questions, and concerns. Surveys, suggestion boxes, and regular check-ins can provide valuable insights, and it's essential to act on this feedback to drive improvement.

Continuous improvement

Regularly evaluating and adapting your strategy based on feedback and performance data is crucial. This component ensures that your communication remains relevant and effective in a changing organizational landscape.

Leadership involvement

Leadership support and involvement can significantly impact the success of your communication strategy. Leaders set an example for transparency and open communication, reinforcing its importance throughout the organization.

Measurement and analytics

Measuring the impact of your communication efforts through key performance indicators allows you to track progress and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

By integrating these vital components into your internal communications strategy, you empower your organization to foster engagement, strengthen collaboration, and nurture a culture of transparency and success. Crafting an effective strategy is not just about transmitting information; it's about building connections, driving change, and achieving your organization's mission in a rapidly evolving world.


Internal communications strategy for remote workers

In today's evolving work landscape, remote work has become more prevalent than ever before. As such, organizations must adapt their internal communications strategies to effectively engage remote workers. Here are key considerations for crafting an internal communications strategy tailored to the needs of remote employees:

Digital-first communication

Embrace digital communication tools and platforms as the primary means of connecting with remote workers. Popular tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom offer features such as real-time chat, video conferencing, and document sharing, enabling seamless communication regardless of physical location.

Clearly defined channels

Establish clear guidelines for communication channels. Define which channels should be used for specific types of communication, such as project updates, team discussions, or one-on-one meetings. This clarity ensures that remote workers know where to find and contribute to relevant conversations.

Training and onboarding

Provide comprehensive training and onboarding for remote workers to familiarize them with your digital communication tools and internal processes. This empowers them to navigate remote work effectively.

Regular check-ins

Schedule regular check-ins with remote employees. These can include one-on-one meetings, team video conferences, or even daily stand-ups. These interactions provide opportunities to discuss work progress, address concerns, and maintain a sense of connection, reducing feelings of isolation.

Feedback loops

Establish feedback loops specifically for remote workers. Regularly solicit feedback on their communication experiences and use this input to refine your strategy. Continuous improvement ensures that your approach remains relevant and effective.

Recognize achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of remote workers publicly. Recognition fosters motivation and a sense of accomplishment, even from a distance.

Virtual social events and gatherings

Host virtual social events and gatherings to build a sense of community among remote workers. This could include virtual happy hours, team-building activities, or even online celebrations for milestones and achievements.

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The role of leadership in internal communication

In the context of internal communications strategy, leadership plays a pivotal and multifaceted role in shaping the effectiveness and culture of communication within an organization. Here, we delve into the critical aspects of leadership's involvement:

Setting the tone for transparent communication

Leadership sets the tone for how communication should be conducted within the organization. When leaders model transparency, honesty, and open dialogue in their own communication, they inspire employees to follow suit. A CEO who shares not only successes but also challenges and the company's vision creates an environment where employees feel safe and encouraged to do the same.

Leading by example

Effective leaders lead by example, showing that they value communication by actively engaging in it. They make themselves accessible to employees at all levels, demonstrating that they are approachable and open to feedback. This accessibility fosters a sense of trust and encourages employees to voice their concerns and ideas.

Aligning communication with organizational values

Leadership plays a crucial role in ensuring that communication aligns with the organization's core values and mission. They articulate these values clearly and consistently, ensuring that every communication, from company-wide announcements to team meetings, reflects these guiding principles. This alignment creates a unified sense of purpose among employees.

Promoting inclusivity

Inclusive leadership is essential for effective internal communication. Leaders should ensure that all voices are heard and respected, regardless of an employee's position or background. By actively seeking input from diverse teams, leaders can enrich discussions and decision-making processes, resulting in more comprehensive solutions.

Encouraging collaboration through communication

Leaders can use communication to promote collaboration within and between teams. They can create opportunities for cross-functional teams to work together, fostering a culture of teamwork and innovation. By acknowledging and celebrating collaborative achievements, leaders reinforce the importance of working together to achieve common goals.

Providing clarity and direction

During times of change or uncertainty, leadership's communication becomes even more critical. Leaders should provide clear and timely information, helping employees understand the rationale behind decisions and the path forward. This transparency reduces anxiety and enhances trust in leadership.

Supporting communication initiatives

Leadership should actively support the organization's communication initiatives, both in terms of resources and advocacy. They can allocate resources for communication tools and training, ensuring that the internal communication team has the necessary tools to succeed. Additionally, leaders should be advocates for transparent and effective communication practices, encouraging all employees to actively participate.

In summary, leadership's role in internal communication strategy is multi-faceted, encompassing the setting of cultural norms, leading by example, promoting inclusivity, and supporting communication initiatives. Effective leadership in this context contributes significantly to building a communicative and collaborative organizational culture that fosters engagement, innovation, and success.

Measuring the impact of your internal communications strategy

As you've crafted a comprehensive internal communications strategy for your organization, it's time to turn your attention to one of the most critical aspects of the process—measuring its impact. Understanding the effectiveness of your communication efforts is not just a best practice; it's the linchpin that holds your strategy together:

Introduce key performance indicators (KPIs)

Numbers, when used wisely, can provide invaluable insights. We'll introduce you to a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that serve as your compass in the world of internal communication. These indicators, meticulously chosen to align with your communication goals, will reveal the true story behind your strategy's success. They're not just numbers; they're the bridges connecting your efforts to their outcomes.

Share strategies for gathering employee feedback

In the realm of communication, your employees are the experts. Their experiences and perspectives are invaluable in assessing your strategy's effectiveness. We'll explore the art of collecting employee feedback effectively. From surveys to focus groups, we'll uncover various strategies to give your employees a voice in shaping your communication strategy. Furthermore, we'll guide you on translating their insights into concrete improvements, creating a continuous feedback loop that fosters ongoing growth.

This section will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to quantify the impact of your internal communications strategy, enabling you to steer your organization toward enhanced communication practices and more fruitful outcomes.

Harness the power of effective internal communication with Empact

Investing in a well-crafted internal communications strategy is not just a choice; it's the key to unlocking your organization's full potential. At Empact, we specialize in helping businesses like yours achieve communication excellence. Let's embark on this journey together, and together, we'll shape a future of success through effective internal communication.