Maximizing Operational Productivity: Strategies for Frontline Workers

Frontline workers play a critical role in your industry. Learn how to boost their operational productivity, improve decision-making, and elevate customer experiences.

Sofia Von Platen
Sofia Von Platen
8 min read

Frontline workers are the lifeblood of various industries, including hospitality, retail, manufacturing, and healthcare. Their dedication and hard work are essential to society, but the nature of their roles often poses unique productivity challenges. In this article, we'll explore inventive strategies to empower and enhance the productivity of frontline or deskless workers.


Closing the Technology Gap for Frontline Workers

Frontline workers are the backbone of various industries, playing a vital role in delivering products, services, and customer experiences. However, they have often been underserved when it comes to technology adoption. Deloitte's article, "Closing the Technology Gap for Frontline Workers" sheds light on the transformative potential of technology in enhancing the productivity of these essential workers.


Enhancing Performance through Technology

One of the key takeaways from Deloitte's research is the immense potential for technology to streamline tasks and data handling, resulting in a significant boost in performance. For example, digital tools can provide frontline workers with quick access to essential information, reducing the time spent searching for documentation, training materials, or product information. This not only saves time but also improves accuracy and efficiency and overall operational productivity. When frontline workers have the right tools at their disposal, they can make better decisions, complete tasks more efficiently, and ultimately drive better results for the organization.

Moreover, technology can automate routine processes, allowing frontline workers to focus on more value-added tasks. This automation can range from simple data entry to complex data analysis, depending on the industry. With technology handling repetitive and time-consuming tasks, workers can direct their efforts towards tasks that require human judgment and expertise. The result is increased productivity and a more satisfied and engaged frontline workforce.


Elevating Customer Experience

MIT has published research that shows 2x higher customer satisfaction from organisations in the top quartile of workforce experience. This can be seen, for instance, in the retail industry, where technology can enable personalized recommendations and faster checkout processes, enhancing the overall shopping experience. In healthcare, digital tools can provide caregivers with patient data at their fingertips, allowing for more informed decisions and better patient care. The improved customer experience not only leads to higher satisfaction but can also boost customer loyalty and retention.


Facilitating Upskilling and Real-Time Competency Assessment

Upskilling is a critical aspect of improving productivity for frontline workers. Technology can facilitate this process by offering gamified learning platforms and real-time competency assessments. Deloitte's research suggests that providing opportunities for continuous learning and skills development is crucial for keeping frontline workers engaged and equipped to perform at their best. By incorporating technology-driven training and assessment programs, organizations can ensure that their frontline workforce remains adaptable and well-prepared to handle evolving challenges.


Ensuring Safety

Safety is a top priority for many industries with frontline workers, such as manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. Deloitte's research emphasizes that technology can play a vital role in ensuring worker safety. For example, wearable devices with GPS tracking and communication capabilities can provide real-time information on worker locations, allowing organizations to respond quickly in case of emergencies. This not only safeguards the well-being of frontline workers but also contributes to a more productive and confident workforce.

Closing the technology gap for frontline workers is not just about providing them with the latest gadgets. It's about empowering them with the tools and capabilities that enhance their performance, elevate customer experiences, support upskilling, and ensure their safety. There are many potential benefits of embracing technology, and there is a need for organizations to invest in technology solutions that bridge the gap and empower their frontline workforce to achieve new levels of productivity and success.


6 Ways to Increase Operational Productivity for Frontline Workers

Operational productivity is a key driver of success. This holds true not only for those who work behind desks but also for deskless workers, often referred to as frontline or deskless workers. Ensuring their productivity is optimized is essential for the overall success of any organization. Let's explore strategies to empower and enhance the productivity of deskless workers.


1. Empower Frontline Workers with Decision-Making

Frontline workers are the first point of contact with customers and are often faced with situations that require quick decision-making. Empowering them in this regard can lead to more efficient operations. Here are key strategies to consider:

Training and Support: Equipping frontline workers with the necessary training and support is paramount. Provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions, especially in customer-facing roles. Regular training sessions and access to on-the-job guidance can be invaluable.

Leveraging Technology: Technology can be a powerful ally in streamlining the decision-making process. Mobile apps, real-time data access, and decision-support systems can provide frontline workers with instant access to critical information, making their decisions more data-driven and efficient.

Enhancing Communication: Effective communication is essential for fostering long-term performance. Ensure that there is a clear and open channel for communication between frontline workers and management. Regular feedback sessions and open forums for idea sharing can help improve processes and productivity.


2. Optimize Onboarding and Goal Alignment

A smooth onboarding process is the foundation for a productive deskless workforce. It is essential to make new employees feel valued and aligned with company goals. Here's how to achieve that:

Streamlining Onboarding: Automate onboarding processes as much as possible. Provide easy access to training materials and on-the-go training tools. This expedites the onboarding process and helps new employees become productive more quickly.

Aligning Goals: Link individual performance with broader company objectives. Ensure that each employee understands how their work contributes to the company's success. This alignment fosters a sense of purpose and motivates them to perform at their best.

Demonstrating Value: Highlight the significance of each employee's contributions within the broader organizational context. Recognize their role in achieving company objectives, no matter how seemingly small. This recognition can boost morale and motivation.


3. Contextualize Changes and Improve Communication

Change is a constant in today's business environment, and it's crucial to help deskless workers adapt. Effective change management strategies include:

Explaining Decision-Making: Share insights into the decision-making process behind organizational changes. When employees understand the reasoning, they are more likely to embrace change and adapt quickly.

Demonstrating Alignment: Highlight how changes are aligned with business goals. Show how the changes will ultimately benefit the company and its employees. This helps build trust and cooperation during transitions.

Fostering Engagement: Create platforms for employee input, feedback, and active participation in change initiatives. Employees on the front lines often have valuable insights to share, and involving them in decision-making processes can lead to better outcomes and increased buy-in.


4. Remove Information Obstacles

Deskless workers often face information obstacles that hinder their productivity. Streamlining communication and information sharing is essential to eliminate these obstacles. Consider the following approaches:

Newsfeeds in Employee Apps: Implementing newsfeeds within employee apps can provide a central location for important updates, announcements, and information sharing. This real-time feature allows deskless workers to stay informed about company news, events, and policy changes effortlessly.

Knowledge Bases in Apps for Information Sharing: Creating knowledge bases within dedicated apps can serve as a valuable resource for deskless workers. These knowledge bases should contain detailed information, FAQs, and guides to help employees access critical information quickly and independently, thereby reducing the need for constant inquiries.


5. Accelerate Employee Recognition

Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance is a key motivator for deskless workers. Here's how to do it effectively:

The Impact of Personal Recognition: Personalized recognition has a significant motivational effect. Acknowledge individual contributions and achievements, and make employees feel valued.

Strategies for Frequent Recognition Programs: Implement programs that regularly acknowledge exceptional performance. This can include monthly awards, peer nominations, or a system for employees to commend each other's efforts. Frequent recognition keeps motivation levels high.


6. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Communication and Collaboration

Promoting peer-to-peer communication and collaboration is crucial for enhancing productivity among deskless workers. Here are two effective ways to achieve this:

Live Chat in Apps: Integrate live chat features within dedicated apps to facilitate real-time communication among employees. This instant messaging tool allows deskless workers to ask questions, share insights, and resolve issues promptly, fostering a sense of connectivity and support within the workforce.

Social Groups and Walls: Create social groups and interactive walls within employee apps to encourage informal discussions and collaboration. These digital spaces provide a platform for employees to exchange ideas, seek advice, and build a sense of community. Social groups and walls can be categorized based on common interests or projects, enabling deskless workers to connect with peers more easily.



In conclusion, operational productivity for deskless workers can be significantly improved by empowering them with decision-making, optimizing onboarding and goal alignment, contextualizing changes, removing information obstacles, accelerating employee recognition, and encouraging peer-to-peer communication and collaboration. By focusing on these strategies, organizations can harness the full potential of their deskless workforce and drive long-term success.

Frontline workers are a cornerstone of various industries, and their productivity is crucial for success. By empowering them organizations can achieve superior employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Recognizing the essential role of frontline workers and investing in their digital experience can propel organizations towards greater efficiency, productivity, and customer-centric excellence.